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Why 22-Hours Per Day with Invisalign Leads to Successful Teeth Straightening

July 8, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmason @ 10:21 pm
Close up of woman snugly inserting Invisalign tray

If you’re doing the math, you might have realized that wearing your Invisalign trays for 22-hours each day means you can only remove them for two hours, max. That can seem restrictive – after all, aren’t these clear aligners known for being easy and convenient?

Yes, though even impressive inventions like Invisalign must abide by the laws of physics to be successful. To learn why your dentist insists on this wear time and how you can make that seem more achievable, keep reading.  

74 Longview Drive, Manchester Center, VT 05255 USA
Jonathan E. Mason, DMD Manchester Center, VT Dentist (802) 362-1099