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Emergency Dentist — Manchester, VT

We Can Relieve Your Pain Quickly

tooth with first aid kit

The unfortunate truth about dental emergencies is that they rarely happen when it’s convenient. They can occur in the middle of a busy workday, during dinner, after work, or on the weekend when most dental offices are closed.

If you’re in the middle of a dental emergency in Manchester, don’t worry. Our office is here for you when you need us! Simply give our office a call—whether we’re open or closed—and you’ll receive help from a member of our team. Depending on the nature of your emergency, we’ll set aside time for you to come in that same day, or schedule an appointment for the next day. We’ll also offer tips for managing your situation in the meantime.

Why Choose Mason Dental for Emergency Dental Care?

  • Same-Day Appointments Available
  • Calming Dental Sedation Offered
  • Insurance-Friendly Dental Practice

What to Do in a Dental Emergency

woman getting punched with red boxing glove

  • Call our office. The sooner you contact us, the better chance we have of saving your smile. An experienced team member will provide you with first-aid instructions to help you manage your situation in the meantime.
  • Have an emergency exam. When you get to our office, we’ll perform a detailed oral examination to identify the cause of your emergency. Using our findings, we’ll create a custom treatment plan to get you out of pain.
  • Get the care you need. Our team might be able to address your emergency during your visit. However, you may have to return for additional treatment. Some common services include fillings, dental crowns, root canal therapy, and gum disease treatment.

The Most Common Dental Emergencies

There are two basic types of dental emergencies: sudden accidents or injuries, and long-term problems like infections or decay that are typically caused by poor oral hygiene and lead to toothaches. No matter what your dental problem is, your emergency dentist in Manchester can help with both. If you are facing a dental emergency, first call us to schedule a same-day appointment. However, the following tips should help you until you can get to our office.

Understanding the Cost of Dental Emergencies 

man with mouth pain

We can’t give you a precise estimate of how much your dental emergency will cost. Every case is different, and lots of factors go into treating emergencies. Treatment may range from a simple prescription of antibiotics to a more complex procedure like a root canal or tooth extraction. No matter what kind of emergency you’re dealing with, our team will work with you so that you don’t have to pay a cent more than what you absolutely need to.

How to Prevent Dental Emergencies

woman applying cold compress to face

Dental emergencies are by their very nature unpredictable, but there are a few things you can do to lessen their chances of occurring. If you’re an athlete, or even if you’re just pumping iron at the gym, it helps to wear a mouthguard to protect your pearly whites from injury. Proper oral hygiene, including daily brushing, flossing, and twice-a-year checkups with us, can prevent dental diseases that cause severe toothaches.

Dental Emergency FAQs

woman applying cold compress to face

No one ever expects a dental emergency to happen, but they are quite common. A friendly game of football or eating popcorn at the movies can result in an oral health issue that requires the attention of an emergency dentist in Manchester. No matter the situation, it's normal to have several concerns, but don't worry because we are here to make a stressful day easier. Here are the answers to a few frequently asked questions.


How should I sleep with a toothache?

If you have a toothache, you don't have to worry about tossing and turning all night by following a few tips, like watching what you eat. Avoid any hot or cold foods and drinks to prevent sensitivity. It's best to eat softer foods that require minimal chewing. Brush and floss before heading to bed, and gargle with salt water to reduce pain and inflammation. Take an OTC pain reliever and apply a cold compress to numb the area temporarily. Sleep with your pillow elevated to stop blood from pooling in your head to prevent a throbbing toothache.

Do I still need to see a dentist if my chipped tooth doesn’t hurt?

A chipped tooth doesn't always hurt, but that doesn't mean you don't need to see a dentist. You may not have pain now, but a minor issue can turn into a big problem without any treatment. You'll be at risk of decay, infections, and additional damage if you wait too long to see a dentist. You can often wait a day or two if your tooth doesn't hurt, and the chip is superficial, but don't delay an appointment or you could be at risk of losing your tooth.

Will my chipped tooth heal on its own?

Your teeth are protected by the hardest substance in your body called enamel. While it's stronger than some metals, it isn't indestructible. Not to mention, it can't regenerate, so your tooth won't grow back. A chipped or broken tooth is a dental emergency in Manchester that must be treated. Minor damage can often be repaired using dental bonding or a veneer, while more significant chips or fractures may require a crown. Contact our office and we’ll provide the quick care you need, so you can get back to enjoying the day.

How much does emergency dentistry cost?

There's no flat fee for emergency dentistry because every situation is unique. Various factors will affect the amount you'll pay, like the treatment and materials needed. If you have dental insurance, you can use your coverage to lower the amount you'll pay out-of-pocket. Besides your consultation and any imaging, your dental benefits can pay up to 80% of the cost of common restorative procedures. We will work on your behalf to maximize your dental insurance. Our office accepts several payment options for any remaining balance, like third-party financing. You can make monthly payments with little or no interest. A member of our team will review your estimate and payment options to find the solutions you need to fit your budget.